Proceeding Confidently When Making an ERP Decision

At Clients First Business Solutions, we’ve been in this business long enough to understand that decision makers and end users alike are often nervous about the idea of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) replacement or upgrade. Whether they have heard horror stories about ERP implementation failures, they’ve read research about dismal success rates, or are just worried about the major change it could have on the way of doing business, there are many reasons someone may want to proceed with caution.

In all fairness, they have the right to be nervous. As one of the leading value added resellers in the nation in both size and innovation, we’ve seen what the wrong software or wrong fit can do to an implementation, and our clients trust us to give straightforward, value-based advice on how to proceed; no hype, no exaggeration.

Following our last blog, which looked to provide a jargon-free overview of the cloud and business intelligence software, we would today like to share with you two new guides that will help you know when it’s time to upgrade your ERP system and whether the cloud is the right deployment option for your business.

Is Now a Good Time for an ERP Replacement?

Whether you’ve noticed that your ERP is no longer living up to your expectations, you’ve outgrown your current solution, or you’re seeing that your software is reaching its expiration date, you’re about to enter a tumultuous time at your business.

Once any of the three aforementioned events happen, the clock may be ticking on an ERP change, but the only thing more dangerous than continuing on with the status quo is jumping hastily into an ERP upgrade without all of the facts. Too often, businesses will jump into a decision without properly vetting vendors or partners, resulting in mismanaged expectations or ERP failure.

However, if you can realize the warning signs before an outdated or underperforming ERP solution begins to falter, you can start taking measurable, logical steps towards change—rather than charging into an implementation without the facts. To help you see these warning signs, our friends at Acumatica wrote When Should You Replace Your ERP System to explore the early warning signs of ERP failure and the benefits of a modern ERP solution.

ERP Failure: Early Warning Signs

  • It does not support the needs of the business (lacks functionality, is hard to use, response time is too slow)
  • Operating costs are too high
  • You rely on spreadsheets to get things done
  • Executives get little useful insight from the system (lack of dashboards, self-service BI, or they are difficult to use)

If any of these sound like you, maybe it’s time to start perusing your options. We invite you to download the free guide on timing your ERP replacement from Acumatica.

View Guide Now

Should You Move Your ERP to the Cloud?

If any of the above pain points hit home and you’re starting to look at your next steps, one of the first questions you will need to ask revolves around the deployment option. On-premises, hosted, cloud/SaaS—each offers its benefits, but with so many companies moving to the cloud, you may be wondering if it’s right for your business.

Many companies are pitched on cloud applications as the end-all solution, and while it is right for many companies, it pays to ask the right questions before you elect this deployment option. To address this, our friends at Acumatica have written a new guide to coach you through the options you have so that you can make an informed decision on your next steps.

“Is the Cloud Right for My Business?” considers the costs and benefits of each offering, providing the following takeaways:

  • When done right, a cloud ERP deployment should be invisible to system users
  • When looking at software, consider the software first, then the deployment option. Making the deployment option first limits your software choices and could trap you with the wrong software.
  • Cloud computing doesn’t necessarily cost less (or more) than conventional on-premise deployment.

Download the entire guide, Should I Move My ERP to the Cloud here:

View Guide Now

Making an Informed, Reasonable, and Timely ERP Decision

As mentioned earlier, there often comes a point in your business where your current solution isn’t solving anything, and the two most dangerous options are inaction or haste. We hope that you found these guides to be informative, understandable, and useful, and if you’d like to discuss your ERP journey with the experts, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation.
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