Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Sales Order Processing Training Demo Part II

Welcome to Part II of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Sales Order Processing training demo.  This demonstration will cover creating a sales order in NAV 2013 without first creating a quote, as well as invoicing shipments.  The Microsoft Dynamics NAV training site will also have demos on additional modules in prior versions.


Welcome to Part II of Clients First Business Solutions Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Sales Order Processing Training.

To create a Sales Order without entering a quote click on “New Sales Order” from your Role Center menu.

From the “No.” field press the enter key or click in the next field to generate the sales order number.  Now enter the Customer No. or select the customer from the list.  After selecting customer, quick entry will take you to the “External Document No.” field.  This is where you enter your customer’s purchase order number.

Now lets enter the item.  We are using Athen’s Desk again.  Note the item price of One thousand, five hundred and three dollars and 40 cents.

The Cannon Group is purchasing a quantity of 2.  Quickly note the price after entering quantity, we’ll see here in a bit that the reduction in price was due to a sales price break.  From the Sales Line Details pane, you can see that there is a sale price available for this item.   When you drill down to get the sales price information you will see that if the customer purchases a quantity of 2 they will be able to take advantage of a price break.

Now we will check item availability.  We do have sufficient stock to fill this order so now we are ready to post the shipment.

To invoice this shipment we can check the Posting Date and the Quantity to Invoice and post a unique invoice from this shipment or we can create a new invoice to combine multiple shipments for this customer on one invoice.

You can now see that the Quantity Shipped is now 2 and the Quantity to Invoice is still 2. NAV gives you the ability to undo a shipment prior to invoicing if an error has been made.

Now that we’ve seen how we can post a unique invoice from the shipment, we’re going to show how you can create a new invoice and combine multiple customer shipments on one invoice.  Let’s create a new invoice for The Cannon Group.

Remember, you can press Enter for quick entry or click on the  next field to auto-populate the first field. Drop down to select the customer.  Find and select The Cannon Group.

In the lines section, click on functions to display the drop down to Get Shipment Lines.  Now let’s select the shipments we would like to invoice.

Now we’re ready to post.  We have now seen how NAV’s Quick Entry functionality and the visibility of customer account and item information as you process your quotes, orders, shipments, and invoices can help you increase productivity and optimize customer service.  This concludes Clients First Business Solutions Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Training on Sales Order Processing.


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