Microsoft Dynamics NAV Training for NAV 2015: Create and Manage Electronic Payments

Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Training on Creating and Managing Electronic Payments.  The new features in NAV 2015 enables you to better control the process of creating payment proposals as well as keeping better track of previous payment exports and recreate a payment file if needed.

This is a great demonstration for those who are responsible for financial operations in capacities such as bookkeepers, accounts payables administrators, controllers, finance directors and CFO’s.

We’ll walk you through how to setup a batch payment in NAV 2015.  Additionally we’ll show users how to create a payment proposal and export to a payment file.  We’ll also demonstrate how to manage open documents for which payment exports have been made previously.

This NAV 2015 training video will end with showing users how to track payment history and re-export electronic payments.

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